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The best way to prevent break-and-enters on your home or business is not in fact to put some fancy high security lock on your door. While high security locks have their uses there are other things to consider first. The number one thing to consider if you are trying to prevent a real break-in from happening to you is forced entry. When a burglar forces his way in using a pry bar or simply brute strength the thing that matters most is the structure of the door and the frame around the door especially where the locks engage the frame.
Mobile Locksmith St. John’s provides target hardening services to prevent and deter burglary and intruders. ‘Target hardening’ is the strengthening of the security of a door or window against a forced entry attack.
If you were the victim of a crime you should report the crime to the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary. Even if you are not expecting or wanting any retribution, it is useful for the police to know of what crimes are happening and where so as to allocate resources and better serve the general public.
For target hardening doors we usually reinforce doors around the deadbolt or other locks or reinforce the door jamb. This reinforcement prevents doors from splitting or door jambs from breaking through around with the locking mechanism connects. We also install products to prevent the spreading of the door frame and to interlock the door the the frame making a harder target for a thief or intruder. Security doors can also be installed over top of the existing door to give an additional barrier.
For windows we can install locks and window security products as well as window security bars and security screens.
One of the benefits of a strong visibly reinforced target is that it prevents a theft by deterring a would be thief from attempting a forced entry on these hardened targets
When target hardening it’s important to always consider the weakest link in the security of a particular opening. It’s also important to have a realistic understanding of the threats to a particular home or business. This is best left to experienced locksmiths with a history of responding to real burglary damage from real burglaries and forced entries
Reinforcing Residential Doors Against a Forced Entry
Most residential doors are reinforced through first ensuring locks are of a sufficiently strong enough grade rating and then reinforcing the jamb and door and then adding an interlocking feature.