5 Ways Cheap Locksmiths Cost You More
Locksmiths and locksmith companies that offer low priced service do so at the expense of their clients. Using cheap locksmiths put users at risk of lock failure, burglary and consumer scams. Here are some of the things cheap locksmiths in St. John’s Newfoundland are not telling their customer
1. They Install Used or Poor Quality Locks
Some locksmiths are installing used lock parts salvaged from other jobs. Sometime parts are mixed and matched, incorrect fasteners used or locks are installed misaligned leading to early lock failure. Cheap locks or even the more expensive locks bought from hardware stores are usually poorly designed and fail easily.
2. They Install Locks that Can be Opened Easily
A cheap locksmith will have to make compromises when selecting products for his clients. Many lock designs new and old have security vulnerabilities. Many of the locks sold at hardware stores can be opened with hand tools. Some junk locks can be opened with a thin screw driver. At Mobile Locksmith St. John’s we understanding these designs and set a higher standard by informing clients of these problems and refusing to work with these poor quality products.
3. That Low Price will Go Up… Way Up
Bait and switch pricing is a common tactic in the fly-by-night side of the locksmith industry. Unrealistically low teaser prices are advertised and misleading quotes are given and then the price goes up by double, triple and often more than the initial estimate.
4. They Really Don’t Know What They are Doing
Often clients come to Mobile Locksmith St. John’s after dealing with locksmiths that left the consumer with a feeling that the locksmith did not know what they were doing. I have seen locks drilled in incorrect positions and hundreds of dollars in excessive damage to locks, hardware and doors.
I have recently seen a lock drilled at the shear-line when the client was in possession of a functioning key. The problem in this case was that the latch-bolt was jammed in the strike cavity. In this case the locksmith unnecessarily destroyed a 120 to 150 dollar piece.
Often I see locks drilled and damaged when non-destructive options are readily available. In one case it took me 15 seconds to open the door when the locksmiths had already spent hours destroying the lock.
5. They Offer Quick Shoddy Work
Some companies are built around offering one-size-fits-all solutions using standard products. These services fail to match finishes properly, fail to consider aesthetics as well as fail to offer appropriate security for the access point and situation. In this case you may be over or under securing the property in question but the locksmith will sell you on whatever product he has in his vehicle as if it is the right solution for your project needs.
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